2020-06-03 11:39:10 - The Inquisition Quest

We have added The Inquisition Quest, reward is unknow yet.

2020-05-26 11:00:26 - Latest patch log.

We have added some improvements and patches for the server since Encounter started and collected it on the list:

-Addon items removed from NPC Morven and added to Store, will be easier to get top outfits,
-Added new Ice witches resp and Frosty Horsemans resp was restored,
-Fixed bug with Quiver in Vocation Quest, problem with NPC Tefaris,
-Added possibility to travel to Icebound(Frost Dragons island) from npc Robinson in Coldwind,
-Increased exp, mana, skills loss. This one wasn't as it should to be in 7.4,
-Added Guild balance, useful in guild wars when you want to fight for money,
-Added pause option in cam system,
-Updated new spawns in Game Wiki,
-Added some website and engine optimizations.

2020-05-15 09:30:36 - Re-open!

Dear Players,

Due to the huge interest in the new Realesta server, we would like to inform you that we are able to offer re-open of the "Encounter" hight-rate server.
All characters and items will be deleted but the premium points remain unchanged. The exact date of opening the new server will be announced within a few days.
This is the only world where this can happen, the rest of the worlds will never be reseted.

Realesta Team.

2020-04-23 18:55:03 - Happy Weekend

This weekend the loot rate will be increased to 2x from friday 6:00 to monday 6:00. We have also increased cast exp bonus from 5% to 10%. Have a nice hunting!

2020-04-03 10:13:09 - Worlds.

The rest worlds Redemption and Encounter are online again. Sorry for the downtime.